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Awards to honour top OIC scientists

Awards to honour top OIC scientists

The COMSTECH-sponsored awards range from honours for scientific work to excellence in scientific publishing. Applications are due by 31 October.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) has announced a series of new prizes to honour the work of outstanding researchers who are citizens of and working in the OIC member states.

The largest prize offered is this year’s COMSTECH Awards In Biology and Chemistry.

The two awards – one for biology and the other for chemistry – are intended to encourage and support scientific contributions in basic sciences, and nominations are invited from science academies, national research councils, universities, research institutions and internationally distinguished scientists of OIC member states. They will be presented during the 16th Session of COMSTECH General Assembly.

COMSTECH is also recognizing outstanding work by OIC scientists by offering a collection of other awards called the COMSTECH Awards for Excellence in Science and Technology 2017.

These awards include honours for:

  • the best young researcher under 40;
  • the best scientific book by an international publisher during 2015 or 2016;
  • the best and most impactful patents in their respective fields submitted within the past five years; and
  • and the best original research paper in an international journal published during 2015 or 2016 in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics.

The deadline to apply for either all of these prizes is 31 October 2017. Application forms can be downloaded here and here.

For further information, please contact: