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African Union Commission and TWAS Sign MOU

African Union Commission and TWAS Sign MOU

TWAS and the African Union (AU) Commission have signed a memorandum of agreement (MOU) calling for greater and collaboration between the two organizations.

The MOU was officially signed by Jean-Pierre Ezin, the AU science commissioner, and Mohamed H.A. Hassan, TWAS's executive director, on 2 September in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Specifically, the MOU calls for broadening the scope of TWAS's postgraduate and postdoctoral programmes by adding Africa to the current list of collaborative partners that includes Brazil, China, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan and Thailand. Under the agreement, TWAS and the AU will not only facilitate the mobility of young African scientists to host countries but also help make universities in Africa "hosting" partners.

In addition, the two organizations will establish an AU-TWAS Young Scientists Award Programmes for African researchers who are less than 40 years of age. TWAS has also agreed to provide technical support to the AU for a variety projects that includes the implementation of the African Observatory on Science, Technology and Innovation project, the AU research grants programme, and the Pan African University project that will be launched early next year.

The MOU is intended to help both organizations advance their shared goals of promoting technological and scientific development in Africa, recognizing the role of researchers in addressing the continent's critical development needs, raising public awareness of science, and encouraging young people to pursue careers in science.
