The Brazilian Academy of Sciences and TWAS have identified the theme and dates of the event in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
PhD and postdoctoral research fellowships are crucial for building scientific strength in developing countries
Funding helps researchers in the developing world to purchase lab equipment and supplies
Share your projects and your expertise in developing nations as a visiting researcher or professor
TWAS honours are among the most prestigious given for research in the developing world
Grants support high-level international and regional scientific meetings in developing countries
Research and Project Grant
Seed Grant for New African Principal Investigators (SG-NAPI)
External Opportunity
VinUniversity: Developing talents for the future
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TWAS Network
TWAS is the hub for a global network of scientists and organizations working to advance science in the developing world

TWAS collaborates with a network of partners committed to advancing science in the developing world

TWAS works in close association with four international science organizations based in Trieste, Italy

Five Regional Partners keep TWAS close to grassroots science in the developing world

TWAS is the hub for a global network of scientists and organizations working to advance science in the developing world