Sinha Kalyan Bidhan
Current nationality
Current country of residence
Sinha was educated at Presidency College, Kolkata, and the U. of Delhi. He obtained his PhD at the U. of Rochester. He is a SERB-Distinguished Fellow and Honorary Professor, JNCASR; Distinguished Associate, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. His previous positions include: Bhatnagar fellow,CSIR; distinguished scientist and Director, Indian Statistical Institute; visiting professorships at the Universities of Texas at Austin, Tennessee at Knoxville, Geneva, Switzerland, and RIMS, Kyoto. His honours include: CV Raman Medal; Ulam chair professor, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder; SS Bhatnagar Prize; Ganesh Prasad Memorial Award, Indian Mathematical Society; and PC Mahalanobis Medal, Indian Science Congress. He is a fellow of the Indian Natl. Science Academy and Indian Academy of Sciences, and life member of the Indian Mathematical Society and Intl. Assoc. of Mathematical Physicists.
07. Mathematical Sciences
Last updated on 12/07/2023