Kaveh Ali
Current nationality
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Current country of residence
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Affiliation / Institution
Iran University of Science and Technology
Kaveh is a distinguished professor of structural engineering at Iran University of Science and Technology. He obtained his PhD (1974) from Imperial College, London, and DTech Bauwesen (1993) from TU-Wien. Since then, he has been teaching at IUST, TU-Wien, and other universities in Iran. His honors include the Memorable Scientist of Iran and Gold Medal of Education. He is a fellow of the Iranian Academy of Sciences, fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and member of 8 scientific societies, founder and editor of more than 5 scientific journals and advisory member of many journals and conferences. He has published 735 scientific journal papers, 155 conference papers, 23 books in Farsi and 18 books in English, the latest being 'Topological Transformation for Efficient Structural Analysis', 2023, Advanced Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms and their Applications in Structural Optimization, 2nd ed.' 2017, and ' Applications of Metaheuristic Algorithms in Civil Engineering', Springer, 2017.
05. Engineering & Computer Sciences
4.42 MB
Country where living and working for the majority of the last 10 years
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Public contact information
Last updated on 12/07/2023