Hung Mien-Chie
Current nationality
Taiwan, China
Current country of residence
Taiwan, China
Affiliation / Institution
China Medical University
Hung, PhD, is president for China Medical University and chancellor for China Medical University - Asia University System in Taichung, Taiwan. He was vice-president for basic research and professor and chair of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Oncology at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas. Hung is a basic scientist with a keen translational vision and especially his recent research effort has significantly contributed to understanding the biology of cancer and to developing combinational cancer therapies to overcome resistance. Up to date, Hung has published more than 600 peer-reviewed articles, of which over 160 were published in journals with impact factor 10 or above. His lifetime h-index reaches to 163 (Google Scholar). He is one of the members of the selection committee for Tang Prize in Biopharmaceutical Science category, and is one of the founding editorial members for Cancer Cell (2002–2020). He serves as member, Molecular Cell Advisory Board (2020–present); senior editor, Cancer Research (2018–2021); editor-in-chief, American Journal for Cancer Research (AJCR) (2015–2017; 2020–present); editor, Cancer and Metastasis Reviews (2018–present).
Sustainable Development Goals
Translational research, signaling transduction, breast cancer, immune checkpoint therapy, resistant mechanism
03. Medical & Health Sciences
Country where living and working for the majority of the last 10 years
United States of America (the)
Public contact information
(+886 4) 2205-7153
Office of the President, China Medical University, 100, Sec. 1, Jingmao Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung 406, Taiwan
Last updated on 12/07/2023