de la Cruz Francisco
Current nationality
Current country of residence
de la Cruz is A-1 researcher, Centro Atómico Bariloche-CNEA (retired since 2007), and hon. prof. of physics, Instituto Balseiro. After his PhD (1968) at the Instituto Balseiro (Universidad de Cuyo), he did postdoctoral work at Brown Univ. He returned to Bariloche, Argentina, in 1971, where he has been professor and researcher at the Centro Atómico and Instituto Balseiro for 36 years. His awards include: Teófilo Isnardi, Academia de Ciencias; Chevalier des Palmes Academic, France; Ricardo Gans, Universidad de la Plata; Premio Konex Platino, Fundacion Konex; and Premio Fundación Bunge Born a la Ciencia, 2004. He is fellow of APS and IOP; member, Academia Nacional de Ciencias and Academia de Ciencias Físicas y Naturales, Argentina; and foreign member, US National Academy of Sciences. Premio Houssay en Física 2010 He has been advisor of 23 PhD students and over 30 master students in physics.
08. Physics, Astronomy & Space Sciences
TWAS Awards
TWAS Award in Physics, 1991.
Last updated on 12/07/2023