Chen Li-Chyong
Chair Professor
Current nationality
Taiwan, China
Current country of residence
Taiwan, China
Affiliation / Institution
National Taiwan University, Department of Physics
Chen received her BSc in physics from the National Taiwan University in 1981, and her PhD in applied physics from Harvard University (1989). Then, she worked at the General Electric Corporate R&D, Schenectady, New York (1989–1994), joined the Center for Condensed Matter Sciences (CCMS), NTU in 1994, and became a professor with the Physics Department in 2021. Chen was the director of CCMS (2012–2018), and since 2018 has been the director of the Center of Atomic Initiative for New Materials, a research centre featured by the Sprout Project under the Ministry of Education (MoE) in Taiwan. Chen’s group is specialized in low-dimensional nanomaterials and their applications for optoelectronics and energy. She is a Fellow of both the Physical Society and the Vacuum Society in Taiwan, and the Materials Research Society in USA. She has received numerous honours that include a Laureate of the 22nd Khwarizmi International Award, the Outstanding Research Award by the National Science and Technology Council (twice), the MoE Academic Award, and the Taiwan Outstanding Women in Science. Chen was elected as an Academician of the Asia Pacific Academy of Materials and Academician of Academia Sinica.
Sustainable Development Goals
Nanomaterials, optoelectronics, sensors, solar cells, solar fuels, fuel cells, thermoelectric, sustainable energy
08. Physics, Astronomy & Space Sciences
Country where living and working for the majority of the last 10 years
Taiwan, China
Public contact information
(+886 2) 3366-5249
Website, social media accounts or additional info
National Taiwan University – No. 1, Roosevelt Road, Section 4 – Taipei – Taiwan
List of publications
Last updated on 01/07/2024